The Commission aims at coordinating and representing the interest of the Swiss hydrology in the national and international committees and organisations.more

Image: thomasfuer, photocase.demore

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)

With its Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering degree programmes, EPF Lausanne offers the opportunity to focus on hydrological topics from an engineering perspective.

Study content

During the 1st year of study the fundamental scientific basics in mathematics and physics will be acquired. The following two years include general training in environmental science (environmental chemistry, microbiology, soil science, atmospheric physicochemistry etc.) on the one hand, and classes devoted to engineering techniques (hydrology for engineers, sanitary engineering, water and waste management, quantitative methods etc.) on the other. This joint program is complemented by a choice of optional classes.

Focus in the field of hydrology

The focus is on engineering techniques in the field of water.

Teaching language

  • French
  • English

Courses in the field of hydrology specifically offered in this study programme

  • Hydrology for engineer
  • Ouvrages et aménagements hydrauliques
  • Génie sanitaire, gestion des eaux et des déchets
  • Aquatic ecosystems
  • Mécanique des fluides (pour GC)
  • Pollutants analysis in the environment

Study content

The formation in basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science) is distributed over the three years of bachelor, allowing a considerable number of courses specific to civil engineering to be addressed since the first year (statics, geology, structures, materials). The second and the third year of bachelor include in particular courses like soil and fluid mechanics, structures (concrete, metal, wooden), hydraulics and transportation and conclude by a first project, which purpose is to use and synthetize the acquired knowledge.

Focus in the field of hydrology

The focus is on environmental fluid mechanics.

Teaching language

  • French (a good command of French is recommended to be able to follow this program)
  • English

Courses in the field of hydrology specifically offered in this study programme

  • Hydrology for engineer
  • Ouvrages et aménagements hydrauliques
  • Mécanique des fluides (pour GC)
  • Mécanique des sols et écoulements souterrains

Study content

The Master in Environmental Sciences and Engineering offers a wide range of courses grouped in three specializations:

  • Natural Water, Soil and Ecosystems Engineering
  • Environmental Monitoring and Modeling
  • Environmental Chemistry and Bioprocess Engineering

Also specializations can be followed in which the Environmental Sciences are involved such as courses on the development of Regional and Urban Planning, on Energy or Biotechnology.

Focus in the field of hydrology

The focus is on urban hydrology, bioengineering of watercourses and natural systems, integrated water management, hydrological risks and development, methodologies of environmental measures and management of the water regime of soil.

Teaching language

  • French
  • English (it is possible to complete this program in English entirely)

Courses in the field of hydrology specifically offered in this study programme

  • Water and wastewater treatment
  • Water resource engineering
  • Environmental Transport phenomena
  • Applied wastewater engineering
  • Bio-ingénierie des cours d’eau et milieux naturels
  • Economie hydraulique
  • Eco-morphologie fluviale
  • Fluvial biogeosciences
  • Hydraulique fluviale et aménagement de cours d’eau
  • Hydrogeophysics
  • Hydrologie urbaine
  • Limnology
  • Physics and hydrology of snow
  • Risques hydrologiques et aménagements
  • Water quality modeling

Study content

This Master programme offers four spezialisations:

  • Hydraulics & Energy
  • Geotechnical
  • Transport & Mobility
  • Structural engineering

In the spezialisation «Hydraulics & Energy» the basics in hydrology, hydraulics and geotechnical and structural engineering, as well as systemic approaches to the design and building of these complex systems is deepened.

Focus in the field of hydrology

The focus is on infrastructures for supply of drinking and industrial water, works along watercourses like usage and protection against water, and dams and hydroelectric structures.

Teaching language

  • French (a good command of French is recommended to be able to follow this programme)
  • English

Courses in the field of hydrology specifically offered in this study programme

  • Ouvrages hydrauliques et aménagements hydroélectriques
  • Analyse et gestion des risques
  • Barrages et ouvrages hydrauliques annexes
  • Eco-morphologie fluviale
  • Economie hydraulique
  • Hydraulique fluviale et aménagement des cours d'eau
  • Urban hydraulic systems

Study content

This Master programme offers six areas to choose from:

  • Aero-hydrodynamics
  • Control and Mechatronics
  • Design and Production
  • Energy
  • Solid and Structural Mechanics
  • Biomechanics

Three projects make for a individualized curriculum. This program provides the opportunity to include a minor in a transdisciplinary field such as energy, space technology, or biomedical technology.

Focus in the field of hydrology

The focus in on fluid mechanics. This study inbues many domains of engineering, including hydropower, aerodynamics, sailing hydrodynamics, blood flow and vortex behaviour.

Teaching language

  • English
  • French (some optional courses)

Courses in the field of hydrology specifically offered in this study programme

  • Aéroélasticité et intéraction fluide-structure
  • Hydraulic turbomachines
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Hydrodynamique acoustique
  • Numerical flow simulation
  • Renewable energy
  • Turbulence

EPF de Lausanne
Station 11
1015 Lausanne

Study advice