Lo scopo della commissione è di coordinare e rappresentare gli interessi dell’idrologia in Svizzera nelle commissioni e organizzazioni rilevanti a livello nazionale e internazionale.di più

Immagine: thomasfuer, photocase.dedi più


Annonces actuelles sur les thèmes de l'hydrologie, de la limnologie ou de l'hydrogéologie.


Biomonitoring der PCB-Belastung am Spöl im Schweizerischen Nationalpark

Im Jahr 2016 gelangten bei Wartungsarbeiten an der Staumauer Punt dal Gall PCB-haltige Partikel in den Restwasserfluss Spöl im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Aktuelle Analysen einer Pilotstudie an Wasseramsel-Eiern zeigen PCB-Konzentrationen, welche

Immagine: SNP, Hans Lozza
Large volumes of dust from the Sahara entered Switzerland in several waves in the winter and spring of 2024. The dust collected on the surface of the snow and glaciers, leading to an increase in solar radiation absorbed during the summer. This considerably accelerated the thawing process.

Severe melting of glaciers despite heavy snowfall at high altitudes

After the extreme circumstances encountered in 2022 and 2023, no relief is in sight for Swiss glaciers. Despite exceptionally large volumes of snow during the winter, a combination of temperatures

Immagine: Matthias Huss
The snow measurements used a combination of different instruments to investigate snow's physical and chemical properties

How the microstructure of snow in the Arctic influences sea ice and the global climate

Amy R. Macfarlane will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2024 for her excellent and innovative doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche

Immagine: Calle Schöning